Education Department - Classes
Acting Studios
Students ages 7-18 years, join us weekly to collaborate through Improv and Devised Theater with their fellow actors to create a story to be turned into a short play. At the end of the semester, on Dec. 21, 2024, students will share their short play with Family, Friends, and Fans!
This class is instructed by Katie Barnes, GT Education Director.
Classes begin Sept. 16, 2024, running until Dec. 16, 2024, with the final showcase performance on Dec. 21, 2024. There will be no class the week of Goshen Schools Fall Break (Oct. 21-25).
3:30-5PM Acting I (7-9yrs)
5:30-7PM Acting II (10-12yrs)
7-8:30PM Acting III (13-18yrs)
***Don’t see your age in the listing? Reach out to [email protected] to see what options are available!***
$150 – Acting Studio Only OR Musical Theater Studio Only
$250 – Both Acting AND Musical Theater Studio
Financial aid is available on a sliding-scale, please indicate on your registration form you would like more information and we will contact you with the forms.
We also offer a BOGO discount to families when you register two or more siblings for the semester!
All students receive a free GTDC showcase t-shirt and two free tickets to their performances for family members.
Musical Theater Studio
Students will focus on honing their triple-threat skills (dancing, singing, and acting), while learning how to work in an ensemble for a Musical Theater setting. At the end of the semester, students will perform their Musical numbers for Family, Friends, and Fans, on Dec. 21, 2024!
Musical Director: Marilyn Mason, Theatre’s Edge
Choreographer: Liz Wickens, Expressions Dance
Classes begin Sept. 16, running until Dec. 16, with the final showcase performance on Dec. 21. There will be no class the week of Goshen Schools Fall Break (Oct. 21-25).
4:45PM-5:45PM Musical Theater (8-18yrs)
***Don’t see your age in the listing? Reach out to [email protected] to see what options are available!***
$150 – Acting Studio Only OR Musical Theater Studio Only
$250 – Both Acting AND Musical Theater Studio
Financial aid is available on a sliding-scale, please indicate on your registration form you would like more information and we will contact you with the forms.
We also offer a BOGO discount to families when you register two or more siblings for the semester!
All students receive a free GTDC showcase t-shirt and two free tickets to their performances for family members.
Latin Dance Studios
Students, ages 5yrs and up, can join us this Fall for our Latin Dance Studios. Students focus on traditional Latin Dance styles, building their skills and repetoir for a final performance at the end of the semester. Classes begin on September 20, 2024. Classes are taught by Nelitze Guilarte.
Tuition is $10/class, with additional costs for costumes.
Final performance date, Dec. 21, 2024.
Fridays (Sept. 20 – Dec. 21)
Baby & Me: Storytime and Creative Play
Families of children ages 6 months to 3yrs. are invited to join us every Saturday from Sept. 28 to Oct. 19 from 10:00-10:30AM to have a special story time and creative play session at the Goshen Theater.
This class is instructed by Rebecca Choi, Special Education Preschool Teacher at Orchard View Elementary School. Spanish translations will be provided by Goshen Theater Education Dept.’s Teaching Assistant, Irish Cortez.
The focus of our stories will be emotions. Using creative play through acting, songs, and storytelling, children and their parents will work on skills to help recognize a child’s emotions and to help problem solve for the characters and themselves. Through the hands on activities, parents and their little ones will share a fun bonding experience and leave with a deeper understanding of our emotions and how to express them to others safely.
You can join us for the full six week session, or come for as many dates as works for your family!
Tuition for this class series is $10/family for each session.
Please email [email protected] for more info.
Familias de niños de 6 meses a 3 años. están invitados a unirse a nosotros todos los sábados del 21 de septiembre al 26 de octubre de 10:00 a 10:30 a. m. para tener una hora especial de cuentos y una sesión de juego creativo en el Teatro Goshen.
Esta clase está impartida por Rebecca Choi, maestra de educación preescolar de educación especial en la escuela primaria Orchard View. Las traducciones al español serán proporcionadas por el asistente de enseñanza del Departamento de Educación de Teatro de Goshen, Irish Cortez.
El foco de nuestras historias serán las emociones. Utilizando el juego creativo a través de la actuación, canciones y narraciones, los niños y sus padres trabajarán en habilidades para ayudar a reconocer las emociones de un niño y ayudar a resolver problemas para los personajes y para ellos mismos. A través de las actividades prácticas, los padres y sus pequeños compartirán una divertida experiencia de unión y se irán con una comprensión más profunda de nuestras emociones y cómo expresarlas a los demás de forma segura.
¡Puedes unirte a nosotros para la sesión completa de seis semanas o venir a tantas fechas como funcione para tu familia!
La matrícula para esta serie de clases es de $10 por familia por cada sesión.
Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] para obtener más información.

Activities are made possible in part by the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County, and the Indiana Arts Commission, which receives support from the State of Indiana and the National Endowment for the Arts.